Return and exchange

Was the product not as expected?

At Arkk Copenhagen, we offer a 14-day return policy from the day the package is received. If you wish to extend the return deadline, please contact our customer service with your order number. If the 14-day return period is exceeded, we can offer a discount code equivalent to the product amount.

Countries with free returns.
      - Denmark
      - Sweden
      - Germany
      - Belgium
      - Netherlands

 Find more information about returning here.


We do not accept returns if the products:
      - Do not appear as new/have been used.
      - Do not come in the original packaging.
      - Complaints that haven't been agreed upon with customer service.

Find more information about complaints here.


Unfortunately, we do not have the option to exchange for a different size or model. Therefore, please return your original order and place an order for the desired size or model. If you purchased the shoes at a discount and they are no longer on sale, please contact our customer service before completing your payment.


Contact our customer service:
If you have any questions about products, purchases, sizes, or anything else, feel free to write or call us.

Phone: +45 3119 7700
Opening hours:
Mon-Thurs: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Closed on weekends and holidays.